Best-of lists, How-To’s, author Interviews and more.
Why we made bookspry.
An Origin Story Long story short? Bookspry is a book promotion and daily deal site that was started by a handful of self published authors (and their friends who actually understood how websites worked) after struggling to find high quality, consistent Romance book...
What is Steamy Romance? Heat Levels Explained
The Steamy Spectrum: Understanding Steaminess in Romance Novels ie. What are “Heat Levels” and What Does It Mean to Be Steamy? Reading romance books, you're definitely going to come across a lot of terms that might not be clear to you at first (check our handy Romance...
How to Update a Cover on bookspry
How do you update your cover for a bookspry promotion? Short answer: Once your cover is available on Amazon, use the Import function in the Author Platform to refresh the book. The new cover will appear everywhere immediately. Longer answer: To update a cover...
The bookspry Category Management Tool!
Welcome to the bookspry Category Management Tool! While we encourage you to add as many categories as you think are relevant, we have a few guidelines to ensure the system works smoothly for everyone. Accuracy is Key Please make sure the categories you choose are...
What is Western Romance?
A classic! Not just in romance, but in fiction generally. Think cowboys with rough hands and beautiful western vistas. Western Romance can be a bit broad, especially with regards to time. So your main concern will be deciding if you want contemporary or historical...
What is Stuff Your Kindle Day and How Does it Work?
What is Stuff Your Kindle Day and How Does it Work? Essentially Stuff Your Kindle Day is an author organized romance book giveaway. Hundreds of romance authors, in basically all romance genres, make their books available for free on a specific day. Readers are...
How to Find Cheap and Free e-books online
Ereaders are a god send for those of us that love to read, but keeping one filled up with books to keep our reading obsession happy is difficult, time consuming, and expensive. For that reason, we’ve put together this article on how to find and download cheap and...
Sci-fi Subgenres Explained (with example books!)
I gotta admit getting into any sort of genre fiction can be intimidating. I don’t handle “not understanding things” well. So when I started getting into science fiction, I was more than a little lost and more than a lot frustrated. So, being the dork I am, rather...
How to Start a Book Club that People will Actually want to Join
"Rules are important, but no matter what the rules say (or what you read on other blogs) book clubs are about reading and having fun."You want to start a book club?! Amazing! I’ve been in quite a few book clubs in my day and am currently organising two different...
What is Kindle Unlimited?
If you buy books on Amazon, you’ve probably come across ads for Kindle Unlimited (or KU) at some point, but if you haven’t paid much attention until now, it might not be particularly clear what it is or how it works. So, what is Kindle Unlimited and how does it work?...
What to read for Hallowe’en 2020
Halloween Lockdown or Not - What to Read this Spooky Season Hallowe’en is going to look a little different this year, and I know what you’re asking yourself “Why is he spelling halloween like that!??!”. Well, first of all, that’s how you spell Hallowe’en, but more...
Why I Read Romance
My reading choices are no-ones business but my own...but with that being said... All romance readers have been asked at least once why they read romance. We’ve all had that conversation at some point, with someone. Sometimes it comes from a good place, and...
What the HEA? The Romance Glossary of Terms (Updated)
DNF? HEA? OTT? OMG!! I’m sorry, couldn’t help myself. I’ve been waiting for this blog post about romance terms and definitions for ages so that I could make it. (NOTE: This has been continually updated since we launched it and it became very popular! Let us know if...
Black Friday Deals for Book Lovers 2019
Black Friday is here! And the deals for book lover and bookworms everywhere are no joke this year. We'll be keeping track of everything we can find below. If you see a deal that's missing, or have a tip for us, let us know at Happy shopping!...
Hallowe’en Costumes for Readers and Writers!
Hallowe’en (yes, that’s how it’s spelled) can be a mixed blessing for us bookworms. One, it’s a night we’re expected to go out and be social and not be reading (bad!) but on the other hand, it’s a great opportunity to have some fun with our favourite...
Books you Read in High School you Need to Reread
Being forced to read a book that someone else picked isn’t exactly a recipe for an enjoyable reading experience (ask any book club that doesn’t use our patented bring-and-vote system!). So sometimes, that means that we don’t get everything out of a book that we...
The Dog Days of Summer Reading List
Call me a weirdo if you want, but I really love hot, hot weather. There's something cleansing about sweating through weather like that. It does pose a couple of problems though, especially for book lovers. Sunscreen in the eyes, sweaty hands on your lovely new books?!...
Every Successful Writer’s Secret Weapon – A Word Count Tracker
Writing is a lonely job. Everybody’s interested in what you’re doing, you may even have a great support system but, at the end of the day, writing is about sitting down (by yourself) and putting work in. This obviously has it pros and cons (no waiting on lazy...
What to Read on Reddit (how to find free stories to read)
Having a hard time finding time to read new things? Sitting at a bus stop with nothing fun or interesting to do? Short reads are a great way to expand your literary horizon, without adding to your long (and growing) reading list. You get to expose yourself to new and...
The Worst Fathers in Literature (Happy Father’s Day!)
Father's Day! Sure, your Dad is great (and my Dad is great, hi Dad!) but some of literature's greatest villains are some real...bad Dads. As a part of our Father's Day reading lists...we're doing...the worst Dads in literature!Mr. Bennet Pride and Prejudice by Jane...