Halloween Lockdown or Not – What to Read this Spooky Season
Hallowe’en is going to look a little different this year, and I know what you’re asking yourself “Why is he spelling halloween like that!??!”. Well, first of all, that’s how you spell Hallowe’en, but more importantly, let’s focus on the important thing here: Spooky Tales!!!
Hopefully you’re allowed to have a somewhat normal Hallowe’en, but if you aren’t, why not spend some of that extra time getting spooked! We had a timeless (and I’m sur highly celebrated) Hallowe’en reading list a couple of years ago that still stands up, but we’re here to add to that venerable tradition.
So…here is bookspry’s Hallowe’en Books to Read (and not).

The Troop by Nick Cutter
Don’t read this book. It’s not spooky or scary or (if we’re being honest) scary at all. I hate to say this about a fellow Canadian, but man, that’s not how they talk in PEI!!!
I’ll try Nick Cutter again because I like to see a Canadian boy do good, but this is a miss.
0 out of 5 Booooooksrpys.

Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark
Ever been to a Scholastic book fair? I f**king loved this book. I saved up and brought my little pencil and order form to my parents and was like “guys, this book is too spooky, I probably can’t handle it, but I need to know.”. My parents called my bluff.
Bonus points for getting the original cover with the weird-skull-head-man-smoking-a-pipe-for-some-reason.
4 out of 5 Booooooksrpys.

The Shining by Stephen King
Have some extra time these days? The Shining doesn’t compare to the The Stand’s 800+ pages, but it’s a solid 400 pages of classic spookiness! I can’t possible make a Hallowe’en list without mentioning Stephen King at least once.
4 out of 5 Booooooksrpys.

Lovecraft Collection
by H.P. Lovecraft
Lovecraft is not without his controversy, but he’s also not without his incredibly spooky stories. The Colour out of Space is not only on Netflix these days, but is also great because it spells “colour” correctly (and is also a really fun story).
H.P. Lovecraft is a legit treasure trove of crazy, spooky, fun seasonal stories. Try to go for a cheap book of short stories if you’re just looking to get a taste. Otherwise, feel free to just buy the Cadillac of Lovecraft and call it a day.
4 out of 5 Booooooksrpys (depending on which one you get)
Haunting of Hill House by Shirley Jackson
This may or may not have made a previous bookspry.com Hallowe’en Reading List. You’ll have to search to find out if that’s true. But regardless, it deserves to be here.
Especially now that it has a follow up on Netflix filled with hidden ghosts and bad accents. Get into the spirit and lean into the fact that Hallowe’en can be both incredibly meaningful and incredibly goofy all at once.