who is bookspry and how did bookspry start

An Origin Story

Long story short?

Bookspry is a book promotion and daily deal site that was started by a handful of self published authors (and their friends who actually understood how websites worked) after struggling to find high quality, consistent Romance book promotions with fair prices.

Now we offer some of the best romance, sci-fi, fantasy and erotica book promotions, as well as newsletters for readers looking for great deals on amazing books. With much more on the way!

Short story longer…

I got on the self publishing bandwagon early, but only started taking it seriously a few years ago, and it didn’t take long to realise how hard it is to find reliable promotion services for self published authors.

Too many promotion companies had wildly inconsistent results, extremely poor (or no) customer service, they made claims that were basically provably false, and there seemed to be almost no connection at all between price and performance. 

So, after a late night whine and cheese session, bookspry (or the idea behind it) was born. 

We would create a book promotion site that focuses on reliable performance, great value, and customer service (thanks Grace!). We know we can trust bookspry, because bookspry is us, and we hope that anyone who works with us learns they can trust us as well.

It took a little while, and the first versions of the site were…clunky, but from Day 1 those were our guiding principles and every decision we make is made with them in mind. 

Sometimes we make design changes, or launch new products (looking at you Author Platform, and Category Mapper!) but never without testing them first to make sure we aren’t harming the user and author experience. Sometimes we raise our prices, but never without increasing the quality of the product even more first. Our cost per click has gone down every year we’ve been in business. 

All this has led to us building up one of the most impactful and trustworthy romance book promotion services in the world. You don’t have to trust us, ask around, check out our testimonials, ask us questions!

At the end of the day, we’re still authors, we have author friends and we use this service ourselves. We’re pretty proud of it, and we hope it’s useful for you!


The bookspry team

P.S. oh, and it’s pronounced spry, rhymes with “high” 😉